Saturday, March 30, 2013

WNP       "Why did you hang up on me?"

It had been a busy, busy day with everyone demanding a piece of Charlotte that she wasn't willing to give.  Not today.  This is the day she decided to take control of her life.  Email and the demands of her office phone and cell phone were making her work day harder than it needed to be.  On several occasions she let voice mail catch her calls.  By mid afternoon,  the co-workers were pretty irritated that she would not pick up.

"Hey Charlotte, what's with you not answering the phone?"

"I'm trying to catch up on some work,"  she said loudly, hoping they would just bug off and leaver her alone to work. Several times she answered the phone, liftiing the receiver and and hung up before saying anything, "I'm really getting behind.  The darned phone is so demanding, there are times when I just want  to toss it along with mly computer straight into file 13."

Several of the workers complained that Charlotte is not taking her share of the calls.

In comes Mrs. Cavanaugh, she looked none to happy with a stern look and scowl upon her face. 
"I'm in trouble now,"  thought Charlotte.

"Charlotte," declared Mrs. C loudly.  Everyone within ear shot turned to listen as Mrs. C yelled.  "Why
did you hange up on me?"

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